Spirit Guides to Discover 2024

Spirit Guides to Discover:
June 2024



Over the years it has been my delight and honor to connect with hundreds of Spirit Guides for clients who trusted me to connect for them. I have been amazed and delighted at the wisdom that pours forth. Recently I have been musing about spiritual connections and how spirit can support us, with this in mind I asked Red Eagle a trusted ally in spirit the question below.

Red Eagle can you explain about Spirit Guides and how they support us here on the earth realm?

Red Eagle Speaks:

It is with delight I come forth this day to speak to you today. The connection between you and your spirit guides begins with your heart, and is a long standing relationship that you choose when you reincarnated upon earth. To offer up the services of being a guide is an honor and privilege, the advantage we have from this side of the veil is that we view the human experience from both sides of the story.

Whereas when you come to earth as a human you are limited by human experience and many of you have to search and trust to find your spiritual connections. We hold the energy for you as you make your way back to trusting in the divinity of your being on your life journey.

When you choose to return to the earth you are each given spiritual support in the form of Spirit Guides, angels, advisors. Your connections are very personal and intentionally chosen for the life you have agreed to live. We are here to offer you suggestions, encouragement, love and guidance but not interfere in any way with your power of free will. You came here to learn and we honor you too much to impede your growth as you experience planet earth the greatest school house of understanding.

We connect with you through the heart not the mind that is why it is important to open your hearts and find joy; it is through love, light, and joy that open the portals to connecting with us on this side of the veil.

Spirit Guides come forth in many forms; some will appear as they were in in the human lifetime they enjoyed upon the earth. My form presented to Therese is of an indigenous man this was a lifetime I enjoyed living on the land in reciprocity with mother earth. I offer wisdom from this lifetime that supported me and bring forth this wisdom for others to learn from.

This energy of connecting to the earth supported not only the people who walked the land but also the Mother, the energy of reciprocity is needed at this time. Many of you who have indigenous guides also had numerous lives as aboriginal people.

Red Eagle offers a gift:
I bring you the gift of a feather to help you feel the lightness of the sweet essence of spirit in your life, the touch of a feather is subtle and yet it can uphold the eagle, as she fly’s high above and reaches the highest realms. You too can touch and connect to the highest realms of wisdom with your intention and focus. To all my relations I send you these words from my heart.


Eagle 3


Spirit Guides and how they can support us:

The discovery of Spirit Guides for me was life changing, it began when I first began to meditate and I was gifted with the presence of amazing Spirit Guides and Angels. Before I began to meditate I had never heard of a Spirit Guide, and had no frame of reference for what I was experiencing. I am grateful I began to trust in my experiences and as did I was gifted with visions and guidance given with such love and kindness. Everyone who walks the earth has a benevolent one to guide them with love and wisdom.
My relationship with the guides grew each time I connected for people and as my friends and family became aware of my new found gifts they asked me to connect for them, I readily agreed as I was excited for the possibilities of the hidden realms to reveal themselves.

One of my early experiences with Spirit Guides was with a co-worker, who asked me if I could give her a reading. I was hesitant as this gift was new to me and I had very little experience in sharing it with others.

We agreed on a time and location and I began by saying my prayer, closed my eyes and trusted, I immediately “saw” a tall Roman soldier he was dressed in a red cloak with a helmet on his head. He was standing on the earth and I could see the dust on his sandals and the strength of his legs and as my gaze continued I saw his strong arms, and then a kind and benevolent face. I was so surprised a Roman soldier, I thought this is too crazy but I trusted and continued to allow the vision to unfold. He felt strong and capable and began to give me insights for my friend. I was amazed at the clarity and wisdom that came forth, along with visions and practical understandings. My friend was as amazed as I was and she confirmed what I had told her was accurate and made sense for her.
The experience of doing a reading was similar to my meditations only now I had the support of the spirit guides who always came to show me the way. As I began to give different readings for a variety of people I was amazed at the various benevolent ones that came forth to share their wisdom. I felt so much support from these beings it gave me confidence and the courage to continue on this new path. I was shown revelations for clients, and heard the words of spirit, these words always carried with them wisdom and clarity for the individual I was connecting for.

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 The Power of Wisdom from Spirit:              
To hear the words from spirit for the client it is essential to get myself out of the way. It is difficult to explain how this feels but there is an understanding of recognizing your own thoughts and then there are the words of wisdom from spirit which is quite different, as it comes from a different consciousness.

Many times the words surprize me as they give a whole different perspective than I would have logically thought of.
The benevolent ones have taught me a lot about the power of language and I found that my vocabulary has been greatly enhanced by hearing the amazing words of wisdom. I have often been corrected by spirit guides if I do not bring forth the wisdom in the correct manner. For example if I am definitive and say you must do this, I experience a halt in the flow of words and wisdom, the flow stops.  

High level guides are clear that we have free choice on this realm and they do not want to interfere with the process. They have explained that they will never interfere with our free will by being absolute with their wisdom.

They explain we are powerful spirits having a human experience and they love, trust and honor all that we are.
After a few clients I became curious, did each of us have a spirit guide, if so why were certain guides attracted to us. Was it possible to see a different guide for each client and would they come back again when the client came for another session.
In my formal job at the time, it had always been important for me to do a good job and so I began to wonder if I should make notes on the sessions I was giving. I mentioned this to a friend and she smiled and said that is impossible you have to trust what comes to you, this cannot be micromanaged. Oh I thought there I go again thinking I am directing this show.
I decided to phone a woman who I knew who was a friend she had been clairvoyant all her life, She was amazing and gave me some wonderful helpful tips; one of the most important things she gave me was a sacred prayer to say before the session would begin. This prayer became my mantra to say before each session and as I said it I could feel a cloak of love surround me. I will share it with you

May the light of Spirit surround me And the love of Spirit enfold me

And the light of Spirit watch over, and protect me
And I know that where Spirit is, I am also

This is a simple prayer, but for me very important to say before I would connect for anyone. Early on I learned to ask for the Highest Love, Highest Light, and Highest Truth to come to me. I was not available for any other energy to come my way.
To my amazement as each person came to see me another representation of spirit would appear, it was like a movie with different characters and understandings that poured forth.
I remember one time a man phoned me for a session to my amazement I had discovered it did not matter if I was in the same room as the client and so could do phone work, spirit had no limitations. This client was the son of a lady whom I had done a session for and she was so pleased with my connection she gave her son a reading as a gift. I was unsure if this gift of a reading was really something this man would appreciate or understand.
The session began and I immediately saw an amazing wizard appear with a tall hat, blue cloak, magic staff, soft grey hair and piercing blue eyes. I thought great how am I going to explain this to the client, this felt like a fairy story and I had never seen a wizard as a spirit guide before.  I was sure he was going to think I was crazy, so I paused but that is all that came forth so with some trepidation I told the man all I saw and what the wizard had to say. At the end of the session the man said hey I have a tattoo on my arm of a wizard just like the one you described to me, do you think that is a coincidence? I burst out laughing and said no I don’t think it is. I got off the phone another lesson learned don’t micro manage Therese and trust.

Have no Judgement:
In the early days of doing the work there were many clients that spirit would speak to about judgment; they explained that when we judge ourselves we then are quick to judge others. This lesson was for me as well and I had a huge wakeup call one day with a client. A man came to see me whom I was an acquaintance with but did not know him well, but I must concede I had my judgments about who he was and his choices in life. I began the session, and the energy that filled the room was overwhelming and I began to tear up it felt so huge. I could see angelic beings and feel this immense love.

The man was told how amazing he was and how his life had touched many individuals. I knew this man had a job where he was out in the public all day his job was a parking attendant giving out parking tickets. The guides shared the importance of the lives he touched just by being who he was, to see the ripple effect of his walk in life was amazing. The guides shared that he made many people’s lives better as he walked the downtown area speaking with the homeless, and people living on the fringe of society, sharing his light by being an emissary of love.

The session went on and at the end I was amazed I was able to see this person from a completely different perspective. When it was time for him to go he smiled and said you must never see people in the same way after you have done a session for them. Yes I thought you are so right.

As I continued to give sessions I began to trust the guides would show up for whoever came to see me. I noticed that many of the guides that came forth were Indigenousness, and showed themselves in regalia, ceremonial dress, sometimes young maidens, would appear in a forest scene, with a horse or walking alone, for certain client’s warriors would appear to offer strength and support.
I began to be curious as to why I was seeing so many Aboriginal guides and it was explained to me they are the ancestors of this land of North America and lived a life of reciprocity and now have chosen to come back in the form of spirit to guide and offer wisdom and support.

As I continued to work with these wise ones I could feel the grounding energy they provided for me and the clients I worked with. Many times in a session the client would begin to weep as the full energy of the guide entered the room, offering unconditional love and support for both of us. It took me some time to understand why I would begin to tear up when the session would begin, and then I realized we are not used to such love and support in our lives.

One day I gave a reading for a woman on the phone I saw her guide dressed in white buckskin, long black hair and she was standing by a babbling brook. She was so serene and beautiful and her presence was one of unconditional love and strength. I explained all that I could see and sense for the client and she was very quiet. I wondered what she was thinking, and so I asked her does this sound right for you, and she was crying, and explained she had a picture on her dresser of a woman exactly as I had described and she always wondered why she had kept this picture, except to say it gave her comfort. Again I was reminded how spirit is always in our lives and the messages strength and wisdom are only a breath away if we choose to recognize it.
The variety of guides and the strength of the wisdom offered constantly amazed me as I did a variety of readings for people from all walks of life.

Angel Wing

Viking Energy:
Another time I was given a lesson from Spirit not to judge or be shy about what came forth was with a woman who was a friend of my Mom’s. I was a bit concerned about the reading as I knew this woman as my Mom’s friend and now we were going to engage in a very different relationship. I was still new to this and so I felt somewhat shy to give her a session. But I agreed and we had a visit first and then I closed my eyes said my prayer and began.

A huge hairy Viking came forth on a sailing ship with a storm in full process; he was strong and huge, with big muscular arms. Whoa I thought what is this all about, the client as I knew her was a gentle soft spoken woman and this hairy Viking seemed incongruous for her. So I asked is there another guide, hoping there would be. I was so thankful when another guide came forth when we were at the end of the session she asked me could you tell me more about the I Viking? I was surprised but connected again with his energy and brought forth some insights. After the session was complete she proceeded to explain to me, that six months earlier she had been in Scotland on a solo journey to connect with her roots, and had gone to an isolated island that is only assessable by ferry, for some reason she felt drawn to this island. When she got there the only inhabitants were sheep, and she was told that there were Viking graves on the island as they liked to be buried close to the sea. She went into one of the caves and then proceeded to go on some rocks by the ocean; she slipped as the rocks which were slippery from the spray of the ocean. As she was falling she was caught by a huge force which set her safely down on the rocks, just inches from sure death to the ocean below. She told me there was no logical reason she did not slip into the ocean, and until this reading she had always wondered what had helped her that day.


Nature Spirits:

So here was another lesson for me from spirit, to trust and not micromanage.
As I gave individual readings I was delighted to meet old ones who came forward for clients. I began to call these amazing ones nature spirits, as they usually would appear from the roots of a tree and spoke of the importance of our connection to the Mother Earth, I found them to be very pragmatic and helpful with affairs of the earthly realm. Many of them explained they had not been in human form for many years but they held the ancient wisdom for human kind.
The various visions, and forms that spirit showed me seemed to have no limit and always they brought forth a wisdom that astounded me, and showed me life from a different vantage point.

Counselors of Light:

My introduction to the counselors of light was a whole new expression of spirit that I had never seen before. They appear in white robes with blue eyes long hair that usually is white and they hold a huge energy of strength and wisdom. When they come forward I feel as if I am transported to a higher realm and understand this is the counsel of light for the client. These magnificent ones have an angelic quality about them and very high vibration energy.
Connecting with these counselors, opened the doorway for to a whole new expression of spirit and they began to appear for clients at varying times, always they brought with them worldly knowledge about past lives, and observations as to where the client my want to direct their life force.
There is much to know about Spirit Guides and their presence in our lives, I became curious and asked why do you appear for this particular person? The answers were varied sometimes it was explained that the person I was giving the reading for had been a brother or sister with the spirit guide in a past life, and so at a soul level the energy between them was strong and vibrant. This life time the human choose to come and be in a body and the spirit guide chooses to be of assistance from the other side. Other times it was explained that the spirit guide had never been in human form but came from a higher plane of consciousness and so came forward to be of service for the person.

The important message for me is that we all have Spirit Guides angels, counselors of light and nature spirits and trusting and connecting to these benevolent energies in my opinion can augment our lives.

I offer these stories and memories to support you in your journey.

Therese Dorer

Mother Mary Speaks February 2025



Mother Mary Speaks

February 2025

Mother Mary 7


The vision I see is of a staircase of light reaching up to the clear blue sky, the staircase seems to go on for eternity and I am encouraged to follow the light. I climb higher and higher and I am asked to release my worldly personas of wife, mother, sister, until all the roles melt away and then I am reunited into divine light. As I enter the upper world, a white mist enfolds me, and I have the feeling of merging into unconditional love. I then sense beloved Mother Mary, and as I gaze at her spectacular presence, she reaches the palms of her hands out to each of us who make the choice to hear her words of unqualified love.


Mother Mary Speaks:

 Dearest ones, it is with joy that I come to each of you, I applaud your courage as you go forth on your journey of life upon planet earth. I remind you that you each choose to come to the earth for this moment in time, no matter your chronological age, this is the ideal time for your incarnation, your soul made the choice to come into human form upon the earth.

Your light, and essence is needed as the energy of the planet shifts and changes.

Your spirit body extends all around you in a 360-degrees, you are surrounded by a beautiful bubble of light, a hologram. When you enter a room, your light enters before you, when you walk upon the land your spirit flows and melds with the energy of the trees, rocks, rivers and sky.


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