Soul Retrieval
Soul Retrieval a Powerful Healing Modality
While journeying in Peru the Medicine Men and Woman told us Soul Loss is the most important healing work we can do for our well being. I have had the privilege to work with numerous clients to support their journey forward with Soul Retrieval. It is a powerful and important step in achieving our healed state.
What is Soul Loss and how can we notice it below is a check list that can help you track this for yourself
- Difficulty being present in your body, feel as if you are outside of your body observing like a movie
- Constantly day dreaming of some day
- Feel numb apathetic or deadened
- Problems with immune system
- Chronically ill as a child
- No memory or little memory of life after age 5
- Struggle with addictions, alcohol food drugs, sex gambling
- Look for external ways to fill up
- Moving on with your life after death, or divorce of loved one
- Multiple personality’s
- Depression no joy
Deep in the Depths of our vast unconscious is where the Soul finds refuge and we can work together to find these pieces and bring them home.