Earth Based Medicine from the Shamanic Inca Tradition

I began my journey of discovery into the Shamanic wisdom in 2002; I and became a full mesa carrier with the Inca tradition. My interest is these ancient teachings led me to pursue Mastery classes with Jose Luis Herrera.2019 07 30 080650
The knowledge I learned from Jose Luis allowed me to expand my practice to include the healing modalities from the ancient wisdom of the Quero. In my healing practice I use my ability to connect with each client’s spirit helpers, to track the hucha (hucha is the dense energy of doubt, sorrow, worry) tracking the areas our bodies hold old stories allows us to release and cleanse. Our bodies want to come to the healed state, so when you come to the healing with an open heart we can clear out unwanted negative energies that prevent you from living you life to the fullest. Shamanic healing is 20 thousand years old; this gentle and powerful method of healing is based on connecting to the energies of Mother Earth and is extremely transformational, allowing the body to come back to wholeness.
  • Are you are experiencing low energy or fatigue
  • Do you feel disconnected from memories from their childhood
  • Are you are having trouble sleeping at night
  • These treatments allow you to release stress in your life
  • The energy work supports clarity and wisdom
  • If you are suffering from a loss of a loved one these ancient teachings can support you


Mother Mary Speaks February 2025



Mother Mary Speaks

February 2025

Mother Mary 7


The vision I see is of a staircase of light reaching up to the clear blue sky, the staircase seems to go on for eternity and I am encouraged to follow the light. I climb higher and higher and I am asked to release my worldly personas of wife, mother, sister, until all the roles melt away and then I am reunited into divine light. As I enter the upper world, a white mist enfolds me, and I have the feeling of merging into unconditional love. I then sense beloved Mother Mary, and as I gaze at her spectacular presence, she reaches the palms of her hands out to each of us who make the choice to hear her words of unqualified love.


Mother Mary Speaks:

 Dearest ones, it is with joy that I come to each of you, I applaud your courage as you go forth on your journey of life upon planet earth. I remind you that you each choose to come to the earth for this moment in time, no matter your chronological age, this is the ideal time for your incarnation, your soul made the choice to come into human form upon the earth.

Your light, and essence is needed as the energy of the planet shifts and changes.

Your spirit body extends all around you in a 360-degrees, you are surrounded by a beautiful bubble of light, a hologram. When you enter a room, your light enters before you, when you walk upon the land your spirit flows and melds with the energy of the trees, rocks, rivers and sky.

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