Connection to the Other Side 2024

Connection to the Other Side:
with Therese Dorer

Angel Wing

 have been blessed to connect to love ones on the other side for the past twenty-six years, for clients and friends. I am always amazed and delighted by the availability of the spirit of family members to come forth to encourage and bring their love to those on this side of the veil through a medium session. Below are a few stories of connections made for clients over the years. I have collected some of the more memorable stories from this sacred work, to share with you. If you have lost someone you love I encourage you that they are as close as your next breath.

How it all began:

I began my journey through meditation and was delighted by the visions and support these journeys into the hidden realms offered me.
A turning point for me one day I went into the meditative state made my journey down the forest path and came to my sacred place by the pond, this was the place I usually saw my guide Wise One. But on this day to my surprise I noticed a small boy with blonde hair holding his head in his hands as if he was very distressed. I was so astonished to see anyone else in my sacred place, up until now I felt as if I was the director of the visions and these mediations were an opportunity for me to create a state of well-being for myself. So to see this small boy in the forest glen when I had not intended to make him up felt very strange indeed.

I decided to speak to him and ask him who he was, he looked up at me and told me his name; again I was so surprised I had read in the newspaper that this boy was missing, from my home town. There had been an article that they were searching for him and they did not know if he was alive or dead.

I did not know what to ask this young boy so I decided to talk to him of our home town and asked if he was from there he said yes. This seemed to calm him down to speak to someone who knew where he was from. My awareness expanded and  I noticed two enormous angels that stood beside him; they were magnificent light beings with huge wings and a presence of love and strength that overwhelmed me. As I noticed the angels I saw an amazing staircase of light extending up to a big ball of white light. I asked this boy do you want to go with these angels. No he replied I don’t know them, I want to go home. Oh gosh I thought what do I say now, I was certain the angels were there for him. I tried again encouraging him to go with them explaining they were kind and could take him to a better place. Finally to my relief he agreed and I saw him take the hand of one of the angels and they began to climb up the staircase of light, he looked back for reassurance and I watched as they disappeared into the white void.

Coming out of the mediation I had mixed feelings, I was elated but also uncertain as to what had happened  had I made this all up?

After a few days I shared the experience with my husband, “I believe you” he said, I replied “you do?” “Yes why you would make that up”. Why indeed I thought. I then shared this with my friend from work whom I shared my spiritual adventures with, she became very excited and suggested I go back and ask to speak with him again. I was uncertain; I don’t think it works that way I said.

But the seed had been planted and I went once more into my special place, and asked to see the young boy again. He appeared and I asked him to show me what had happened. In the consensual reality this young boy had not been found and no one knew where he was, or if he was alive or dead.

He began by showing me his bike at the head of the creek then a vision of falling in the creek and tumbling down the water way. The vision was so vivid I felt sick to my stomach, as if I was tumbling down the water. When the sensation stopped I thank him very much and came out of the meditation somewhat shaken.

The month this occurred was May and on Mother’s Day this young boy’s body was found at the mouth of the creek and his bike at the top of the water way. I was stunned and tried to make sense of what this all meant.

 A few weeks later I was at a family function and the talk turned to this young boy and his accident his school teacher was at this party. She confirmed for me that when he was upset he always put his head in his hands, he was blonde, and although he sometimes ran away from home he always came home and it was important for him that is Mom know he was alright, thus being found on Mother’s Day was so important.

The experience of connecting to this young boy was life changing I began to concede that my meditations were more than an opportunity to selfheal

From the early days of seeing the little boy who came into my meditation and went up the stair case of light I was amazed and intrigued to bring forth the energy of loved ones for my clients. I am always aware of the sacred contract of this opportunity to connect for others. I always think of the passing of my Mother and Father and how vulnerable we are in the stages of grief, I would not want someone to be a sincere pretender saying they could connect with my loved ones when they could not. The idea of sincere pretending was offered to me by one of my teachers and it stuck, it is a useful phrase to use when you are describing someone who is not able to do what they profess they can do.


The Loss of a Child:

When I work with parents who have lost a child the importance of this sacred contract is very prevalent. The grief of losing a child can be so debilitating, and when I do this medium work I have to be extra aware of being grounded and solid in my core. Many times when I have connected to the loved one I begin to have tears stream down my face, the love and emotion is intense from the spirit who has crossed over.
One of my early memories of was a mother and father who came to see me about their son who had crossed over at the age of 12 years old. He immediately showed himself to me in a forest and I could see dear, bears, and many animals. He was excited to show his parents where he was now and that he was so happy, he explained as quickly as you can think you can be anywhere you want to be. He then began to show me a hockey game I could see the colour of his jersey and he was zooming around the ice surface. He told me he loved speed and to move fast.

His parents confirmed he loved to play hockey and he was a fast and talented player, he and his father loved to hike in the forest, and this is where the father finds some solace from losing his son.

I have come to trust that the first visions I see are like an entry point for me to connect with the spirit. I usually ask the client the name and age of the loved one, I am not sure why this helps me but it seems to give me a place to begin. Then immediately a picture appears and I can see, or feel or sense something about the person as they would have been in life.
Of course there are exceptions to this, as in all work with spirit I continue to be surprised and amazed at what is available for us to access.
One day a mother and father contacted me to connect for their teenage daughter who had passed; this was to be phone session as they lived on the other side of the country.  I had never met the parents and was aware that this was the first time they had pursued anything of this nature, they had been referred by a former client and I could sense their trepidation at this different way to bring closure or at least get some comfort from what we were about to experience together.
I was a bit nervous as well for I go into each session with hope, love and reverence, I have to let go of outcome to be as clear a channel for the energies as possible.
After some small talk and having explained as much as I could I began the session, immediately the loved one showed me a huge shining light it was so brilliant I felt the tears flow from my eyes,  and I was overwhelmed with love, awe struck by the radiance of this being. The emotion was evident in my voice and I began to breathe to pull it together, but all I really wanted to do was bask in this light. I was told I was seeing the pure spirit of this being, eventually the light began to fade and I saw the young girl more in the form she would have been in her human life. Like a hologram the light faded and she stepped out of the light into a human form. She then showed me she loved to play music, snow board, bike ride and sing. Her mother confirmed that yes that sounded like her, and so we continued. The girl spirit went on to apologize for the sadness and grief she had caused the family. I find this is quite normal as the spirit is so at peace and wants to explain the wonders of the other side but the loved ones here are still so caught in the grief and sorrow it is sometimes difficult for the spirit who has passed to explain them how amazing it is on their side of the veil.

My heart always opens to the families that seek me out for this connection, their trust and willingness to allow this kind of dialogue with their loved ones is indeed a sacred contract.
There are many rewards in the work that I do but most heartening is when I am able to see clients have closure over the loss of a loved one. For many of us carry unnecessary guilt at the passing of a family or friend, we have the grief and on top of that we pile a whole load of guilt.

One of the more common concerns is not being there for the actual crossing of the loved one to the other side. In every instance I am told by the spirit who has crossed that this is not a concern for them at all. They sometimes claim that they waited for that moment to go, I am always struck at how birth, and death are intrinsically a solo flight. We must do both alone, the grand ride into the earth plane and the ride out to the other side home.

Trust in the Connection:

Many times the loved ones want to show an aspect of their life to affirm it is their energy that has shown up to speak. I am often shown by the loved one on the other side a characteristic of their personality, for example one woman came forth in a pink suit, her hair was immaculate, and she had a string of pearls around her neck, she was standing at a garden gate covered in flowers. She asked us in for tea and she served us tea on a china tea set of rose flowers.
When I asked did this make sense I was told yes, she loved to dress well and her hair and her appearance was very important for her. The tea service was important as she did not have a lot of money but every Christmas or birthday would ask for one thing from this particular china set. It was the wild rose pattern that I had remembered seeing from my childhood.
When I first did this work I was so intent to get this right for the client, I was and continue to be amazed at how this connection with those that have crossed is possible. But I have come to trust and know that I can only deliver messages and vision that I have a frame of reference for. When I first began this work I described it like a fine filaments of cob web that I had to tug at and the more I tugged the clearer the visions and information came forward. The way I connect has changed over the years, due to my trust in the work and availability I also have had many vibration shifts that have moved me into a different place.
For example when I saw the tea set I had seen it in this dimension and so it was easy for spirit to show it to me in the vision.
I have had clients come to me asking how or why their loved one died when they did, this is always a question I take very seriously as I am aware that for the person left behind, this is of the utmost importance, but again for the spirit on the other side they usually are not very interested in this.
Many times they explain that their death was an exit point their time, for the young girl who showed herself as a huge spirit of light, I was told that she lived her life as if there was no tomorrow almost as if she knew she had a limited amount of time on the earth this time around. In retrospect the mother confirmed this and many of the pieces begin to fall into place when we can track the lives of these young spirits that leave seemingly too soon.
Another joy of this work is to see how the spirit who has crossed who may have had a huge struggle at the end with heart, cancer or other debilitating disease, are so excited to share with their loved ones that they can now walk without pain, dance and are now in their healed state. They describe how their bodies were like an old and tired suit of clothes that did not work any longer and the relief in being able to shed this and go home.

pathway trophy mountain

Belief in the Connections:
In the early days of doing this work I longed to discuss my work with anyone I could trust and who may have a frame of reference for what I was doing. I went to an evening and there was a man who channeled energies, I was very excited to talk to him after and went up to him and asked him about the medium work I was experiencing. He looked at me and said I would never do that talk to someone who was dead, that is a very low vibration work to do. I was stunned and embarrassed I left the evening with angst and humility. I thought perhaps he is right he is respected and I am so new to this work.
I went for a long walk by the river the next day, the river always gives me solace and I thought well I will ask my guides about this. I asked is this a good idea to connect for people who have passed on.  The moment I asked I had the loving presence of Mother Mary and she said do you give them comfort? Yes I thought and a flood of memories of clients who had thanked me profusely for the closure they experienced. She then asked does it feel right for you to do this Therese. Yes I thought it feels right to give people the confidence that their loved ones are alright.
 The walk and insights calmed me and it was another lesson for me to not give away my power to someone else and think they knew what was best for me. Perhaps for this man the medium work would not be in his highest interest but to compare myself to him was folly.

We must a walk our own path and honor our gifts, comparisons are truly odious.  What gifts do you have that you cherish and honor? When have you given your power away? Believe in self is the greatest gift we can give ourselves, and when we do there is no limit to what we can connect to.

Offered in Love

Mother Mary Speaks February 2025



Mother Mary Speaks

February 2025

Mother Mary 7


The vision I see is of a staircase of light reaching up to the clear blue sky, the staircase seems to go on for eternity and I am encouraged to follow the light. I climb higher and higher and I am asked to release my worldly personas of wife, mother, sister, until all the roles melt away and then I am reunited into divine light. As I enter the upper world, a white mist enfolds me, and I have the feeling of merging into unconditional love. I then sense beloved Mother Mary, and as I gaze at her spectacular presence, she reaches the palms of her hands out to each of us who make the choice to hear her words of unqualified love.


Mother Mary Speaks:

 Dearest ones, it is with joy that I come to each of you, I applaud your courage as you go forth on your journey of life upon planet earth. I remind you that you each choose to come to the earth for this moment in time, no matter your chronological age, this is the ideal time for your incarnation, your soul made the choice to come into human form upon the earth.

Your light, and essence is needed as the energy of the planet shifts and changes.

Your spirit body extends all around you in a 360-degrees, you are surrounded by a beautiful bubble of light, a hologram. When you enter a room, your light enters before you, when you walk upon the land your spirit flows and melds with the energy of the trees, rocks, rivers and sky.

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