Master Kuthumi Remember your Magnificence 2017

Master Kuthumi Speaks

Remember your Magnificence



Published in March 2017


The vision presented to me is an expansive landscape of sand dunes swirling and changing as the wind creates sculptured huge dunes and ripples in the sand; it is an ocean of movement and change. Master Kuthumi comes striding across the desert dressed in a beautiful white iridescent flowing robe, his arms out stretched and a huge smile on his face.

Master Kuthumi Speaks:

I offer you love this day:

Welcome to all that choose to read these words, it is with great joy I come forth to you today, I come to honor each of you, and to bring you glad tidings of joy and respect, for your journey forward.

You are invited to sit with me awhile Pause ----and allow the love that is your birthright to flow into your body, mind and soul, breathe in this unconditional sweet nectar of love to your bones, muscles, and blood as it flows through your glorious body.

As you read these words I ask you to take a moment create a hiatus in your busy life, close your eyes, breathe deeply and feel my love infused into your body.

The vision of the landscape of the desert is intentional, for you are in changing times upon the earth; your breath flowing through your body is the driving force to sculpt the reality you are co-creating. You my dear ones are the wind and your reality is the desert. Your reality is malleable and can be changed instantly with your intention, focus, and availability the only limitations are the ones you impose on yourself, your imagination and capacity to trust.

I understand as you read these words you may have many questions. You may be worrying about the world affairs, relationships that challenge you, financial considerations, and responsibilities that may overwhelm you.

I am aware that the human existence has many practical concerns to attend to. Nonetheless this is why you choose to come to earth so that your spirit can experience the contrast of living in human form within the constraints of being human and also the joy and wonder of your spirit to guide you.

Let me suggest in the gentlest of ways that it is paramount that you remember that you are, a spirit having the human experience and when you remember this it will support whatever involvement your human body is experiencing. I do not come forward to create anxiety for you or to suggest you are not living your life in a “spiritual “manner or that you “should” be a better person. Kootney lake beauty

Remember Your Magnificence:

I come forth to help you remember the magnificence of your being, when you can fully appreciate this, you can journey forth in life with a lighter load and accept more of your personal life force to guide and support you in all situations you may encounter.

This life force comes into your body like a filament of light through your crown chakra from your Soul source and with your breathe and intention you can allow more of this beautiful light fill your body and support every aspect of your being.

I ask you to Pause--- a moment take a big breath in and notice what colour your Spirit light is that enters your crown chakra this day, breathing deeply to accept more of your life force.

This simple awareness to your consciousness that you are a magnificent being will support you in how you choose to approach life. It will guide you to find your sweet spot of allowing the highest light, love and truth to flow through you and affect each encounter you have upon earth.

As you do this personal work and release yourself from fear, and confused love, of doubt, worry and frustration, you support the collective and your intention creates the life you desire, and this affects the whole. In this moment you are truly a co-creator of the reality you desire.

Personal choices make a difference.

These acts of self-love will affect your life from the mundane, such as driving through traffic to work, supporting your family in the day to day ministrations of their lives, to the big life transitions of death, and birth, consequently you are able to move through life with grace and dignity.

With this gentle awareness you are supporting the collective, and making a difference. brycecanyon2014

I invite you to walk with me in the desert feel the wind on your face, notice the wind as it swirls the grains of sand to create the dunes and landscape.

The landscape is constantly changing and this is what makes it dynamic and viable. By accepting your birthright to remember who you are and embracing the greater expression of your being, you are contributing to the collective and creating for yourself a dynamic and viable life. Accepting your destiny and supporting yourself, Mother Earth, and all the sentient beings that reside upon her.

I am Master Kuthumi and I offer you blessings this day and always

Submitted by Therese Dorer

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