Predictions 2025 Master Kuthumi


Master Kuthumi



The vision I see is a pyramid infused with rainbow light, it shimmers and sparkles as the light reflects and moves all through the structure. I then notice Master Kuthumi emerging from the light and he strides towards us radiating a sense of purpose and feeling of love and inclusiveness.

Master Kuthumi Welcomes Us:

Welcome to all those reading these words, as you read you are being showered with blessings of the highest light, love and truth. I come forth to offer you some wisdom as you enter the year 2025. It is my intention that you will be supported by my words.

 Before each of you came to this incarnation your spirit chose your life’s journey and with great courage you came to earth to learn the lessons you desired to experience in this lifetime, as you go through life, each of your experiences are collected at a soul level.

You also chose how you would awaken to the understanding that you are a spark of divinity having a human experience. It is in the human experience that you ground the divine spark of your being to the earth and from this embodiment receive the wisdom that comes from being human. When you experience the lessons of earth and feel compassion, empathy, or conversely sadness, and worry you are experiencing all of what it is to be human and what it is to be divine while living in a human body. You are asked to be human but remember that you are the celestial spark of infinite possibilities.

 For some of you your journey to your awakening is happening through your life experiences. Some of you will seek out teachers who will open the doors for you and allow you to remember your wisdom. If you are reading these words, this is a part of your awakening.

Like a lotus flower emerging from the depths of the dark mud, making its way to the sunshine, to blossom and flourish, so too we observe you in your transformations. We ask you to trust that the journey through the darkness and not knowing is an essential part of the transfiguration.

I have the privilege to be the observer of the changes upon the earth realm and I witness each of you as you make your journey. I observe you as rainbow warriors and applaud and celebrate each of you as you make your transition into the magical and transformative energy of 2025.

As you enter the new year, we ask you to have no fear and be discerning as to where you put your thoughts and energy, we observe that you have moved through some of the most challenging times on the earth and are ready to enter an era of refined mailable energy of co-creation.

I invite you to enter the pyramid of rainbow light and remember as a rainbow warrior you are connected to the healing rays of light within the pyramid, this light will be the catalyst for the changes to come in this year of 2025 and beyond. Each color holds a frequency of intentional healing powers, and these light rays correspond to your personal chakra energy centers. As you grow and support your chakras your aura becomes stronger and can hold more light rays, and your spiritual rivers of light are illuminated and activated. Like a cloak of many colors, you now carry the light codes for transformation. I invite you to a journey of discovery into your personal rainbow light body.

Call upon this healing rainbow light will activate your energy centers as you enter 2025

Journey inside the Rainbow Pyramid of Light:

Red Root Chakra

We begin with your root chakra located at the base of your spine, the color here is red. I ask you to allow your imagination to be transported to a forest with tall trees and green grass, take some time in this place to breathe deeply and connect to the healing love of Mother Earth, breathe in the color red to your root chakra and let your energy be anchored into the belly of the mother, connecting to the deep love of the earth, she is your first mother providing all the sustenance you need to live this life, your food, clothes, home the very body that holds your spirit. Feel yourself anchored to the mother wisdom and strength, allow her to hold you and support you as you go forward into this next year of 2025.

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Orange Sacral Chakra

I now ask you to focus on your sacral located just below the navel and the color here is orange, and for this activation I ask you to imagine you walk through the forest and the path leads you to the entrance to a cave, deep in the womb of the mother. You walk into the cave with no fear and notice if you have left behind any creative ideas in your journey of life, dreams you have let go of and now feel ready to call those dreams back and bring to fruition in this lifetime. The sacral holds the energy for creativity, for this year of 2025 it is the time to call back those lost dreams and inspiration. What do you desire to give birth to in this next year. Call to those dreams and infuse your belly with orange light, calling upon the universal orange ray of light to connect with you in this place of introspection, and once again trust in your creative flow.

Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra:

In your journey forward to the rainbow pyramid you now leave the cave of introspection and emerge into the morning light and face the golden yellow of Father Sun, as he shines his light upon your solar plexus. Feel the warmth of this light and breathe deeply as you reconnect to your power, release old stories of pain and sorrow and situations when you gave your power away.  Reignite the flame in your belly with the yellow light of self-esteem and confidence.  Know that Father Sun has the power to replenish you as you wake up each morning.  Trust you are a person of power and strength as you reclaim your confidence and self-esteem.

Green Heat Chakra:

The sun continues to rise, and you once again notice the lush green forest and follow the pathway that winds through the trees and tall grass, breathing in the beauty and stillness of the landscape. Allow the vibrant green to open your heart, connect to unconditional love, feel the healing qualities of this place of introspection. In this year of 2025, you will be well served to allow your heart to lead the way. I encourage you to be in the present time as much as possible for this will allow you to fulfill your life mission to the optimum.


Blue Throat Chakra:

As you walk upon the forest trail, I ask you to look up to the sky and observe the azure blue and breathe this into your throat chakra. The throat is the bridge between the head and the heart and the vessel that allows you to speak your truth. It is important to clear the throat chakra allowing it to be clear and open so that as you enter 2025 you will be heard, your truth will come forth for you in all that you endeavor.

Indigo Third Eye Chakra:

Continuing upon this journey of exploration, you look up the pathway and see the Pyramid of Rainbow Light in the distance. You are drawn to this magnificent structure, and you continue to walk down the path. Up ahead you see a stone sparkling in the sunlight, an indigo crystal, it has been placed upon a log stump waiting for you.  You are encouraged to pick up the stone pause and breathe in a sweet cleansing breath, now place the stone on your third eye. Close your eyes and allow your intuition to be honored and activated, as you connect to the indigo ray of light filling yourself up with knowledge and love, preparing for the energy of 2025.

Purple Crown Chakra:

You are closer now to the Pyramid of Rainbow Light and you stand before this magnificent structure and observe the beautiful colors swirl around the interior and exterior of the temple of light. You step across the threshold and enter the structure. You walk through the sparking lights and see a column of purple light extending from the apex of the pyramid and grounding into the floor. You stand in this column and activate your crown charka breathing in the connection from your soul source.

White Eight Chakra

As you stand in the center of the pyramid the purple light transforms to pure white crystalline light and flows through your whole body infusing your blood bones, cells, and muscles with rarified universal light and love, from your soul source.

You are blessed to be upon the earth at this time and I ask you to trust that you are supported and loved. This year, 2025 will be one of transformation and transition, I remind you to stay present in your life and do not project to the past or obsess about the future. You are where you are meant to be dearest ones. Call upon the healing light of the Rainbow Light Pyramid to cleanse and activate your chakras as you move forward to your destiny.

I am Master Kuthumi and I will travel with you into 2025

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