Opening your Heart Space
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Opening your Heart Space
Recently while working with a client the message came through that when we open our heart space anything is possible, healing, love, and clarity. I have been pondering on this since then and what that can mean for us in the day to day encounters we have with friends, family, and in our relationship our community, and ultimately the world. Many of us have heard the words listen to your heart and not your head. But what does this really mean? In a world where we are plugged in to the world of technology, phones, internet, television, and the list is getting longer for our choices for technological engagement. All of these technological choices are surely head stuff so in this milieu how do we get into our hearts, and if we are in our hearts would we even recognize it as authentic and not someone else’s voice or thoughts?
What can we do every day to encourage this relationship with the heart, if opening our heart is the key to healing, unconditional love and wisdom, wouldn’t it be wise to at least consider what steps we can take to build this relationship with this heart wisdom. How did we lose our connection to our hearts if this is the answer to finding our way home to the healed state?
These are all questions I have been pondering and in asking the questions I have been encouraged that just this act is important, if we never ask ourselves any of the difficult questions we will continue to be informed by external powers.
With this in mind it became apparent for me that self-reflection is one of the first steps to connecting to our heart energy. Taking time when we are not plugged into our phones, computers, and television, is essential to noticing our own rhythms, joys and fears. When we are surrounded by the external stimulation we are unable to discern our truth amide the myriad of technological stimulation.
Winter is a time of quiet rest for the Mother Earth and we are meant to mirror the earth rhythms. So I encourage you to take time this winter to go within, be quiet and notice your fears, joys, and dreams. Allow your awareness of self to come to the surface, disconnected from the external chatter that is so prevalent for us in our society.
This journey to the heart does not have to be a solo journey in Kamloops we are so fortunate to have so many healers, and offerings to create pathways to our healed state. We have Yoga, Pilates, Massage, Reiki masters, and Shamanic healers. These people have taken the time and energy to pursue healing modalities that sing to their soul. I encourage you to look in the directory in this magazine and begin the New Year with finding the pathway to open your Heart Space, embracing your joy, wisdom and clarity.
This year of 2014 in numerology is the year of 7 which is about introspection, so like the bear going into her cave for the winter, you may find yourself in a place of looking inward. Don’t forget you do not have to do this alone there are many healers and wise ones in our community to help you negotiate these times.